YouTube : Invite To Earn Revenue

Just got an e-mail from YouTube to describing how my channel may be eligible to earn revenue, if I'd agree to have ads on my uploaded videos.  This got me wondering how many views/subscribers does it take to receive an invitation.

Currently my channel has:

  • 28,064 views total over 4 years (created in 2007)
  • ~1,000 views every two weeks for the past half year
  • 32 subscribers

It's pretty gratifying to receive such an offer.  On the one hand I'm really curious to see how the revenue system works.  On the other this channel is being used to host portfolio and family videos: It'd be worth seeing if it's possible to create a 2nd private/personal channel that would be low view count, but ad free.

Anyhows, one of the nicer things that the internet has offered beyond convenient shopping and naughty pictures.  For that I'm very much grateful:).