Posterous : Discovering How Much It Rocks!

I've been using Posterous for almost two years now, but it's only recently that I've dug in and discovered how much it rocks.  Here are my favorite finds:

  • Landing page posts can be sorted by tags.  I use Posterous to document some of the experience and tools I've developed over the course of my career.  I also use it to share social posts about personal projects, product reviews...etc.  Using tags I can directly share a url to a landing page sorted for disparate topics:
  1. -   Portfolio and career topics
  2. -  Social and personal posts
  • (An added note is how remarkable Posterous support was: I received answers to my specific questions, from a person, in only a few hours!)

Posterous is by far the most hassle free and simplest way to blog, and is definitely worth leaning on for my posting needs.