Data Visualization : Memory Report

Learning to filter and chart tables, csv files, xml/JSON docs has been one of the more interesting problems I encountered working on Halo 4.  It's pure data shepherding.  And when I was doing manually it would take nearly half a day; so I wrote scripts to automate that :

Data once it's filtered for relevancy and visualized as information becomes highly valuable in understanding trends and detecting spikes. Properties that are highly desirable for tracking and reporting memory usage.

Photoshop Tool : layersToStrip.jsx

I do a healthy amount of graphic debugging and profiling.  This includes taking screenshots, making A/B comparisons, and laying them out into a report format.  This script automates the layer->strip(or stack) aspect of that.  

Code is available at:

Next up is updating this with a UI interface and generalizing it into a much friendlier tool.  Currently things like space offset between stacks are hardcoded.